- Brager, A. J., Belling, P., Sada, J., Osgood, J. M., Fawver, B., & Dretsch, M. N. (2023). Pilot testing of a non-gaming cognitive battery in expert esports athletes. Journal of the Society of Neurosports, 1(2), Article 11.
- Cabrera, O., Trachik, B., Ganulin, M., Dretsch, M., & Adler, A. (2023). Longitudinal Measurement Invariance and Growth Curve Modeling of Psychological Resilience Across the Deployment Cycle. Military Psychology, In Press.
- Kearns, N. T., Trachik, B., Fawver, B., Osgood, J., & Dretsch, M. N. (2023). Alcohol Motivations Associated with Frequency of Alcohol Use, Binge, and Alcohol Problems in among Active Duty Junior Enlisted Soldiers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Alcohol, In Press.
- LaGoy, A.D., Conkright, W.R., Proessl, F., Sinnott, A.M., Beckner, M.E., Jabloner, L., Eagle, S.R., Sekel, N., Roma, P.G., Dretsch, M.N., Flanagan, S.D., Mi, Q., Nindl, B.C., Germain, A., Connaboy, C., & Ferrarelli, F. (2023). Less daytime sleepiness and slow wave activity contribute to better physical readiness in military personnel. Sleep Health, 9(1):93-99.
- Mohr, C.D., Hammer, L.B., Dimoff, J., Lee, J.D., Arpin, S., Umemoto, S.K., Allen, S., Brockwood, K., Bodner, T., Mahoney, L., & Dretsch, M.N. (2023). How workplaces can reduce employee loneliness Evidence from a military supportive-leadership training intervention. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, In Press.
- Nkiliza, A., Huguenard, C., Aldrich, G., Ferguson, S., Cseresznye, A., Darcey, T., Evans, J., Dretsch, M. et al. (2023). Levels of arachidonic acid-derived oxylipins and anandamide are elevated among military APOE E4 carriers with a history of mTBI and PTSD symptoms. Journal of Neurotrauma, In Press.
- Osgood, J.M. (2023). Targeting Cognitive Bias to Reduce Anger and Aggression. In: Martin, C., Preedy, V.R., Patel, V.B. (eds) Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence. Springer, Cham.
- Osgood, J. M., Yates, H. K., Holzinger, J. B., & Quartana, P. J. (2023). Cognitive Reappraisal Moderates the Effect of Combat or Other Exposures on Negative Behavioral Health Symptoms. Military Psychology, In Press.
- Smith, A. R., Witte, T. K., Grunewald, W., Kinkel-Ram, S., Santivasci, C., Crosby, E., Williams, T., Esche, A., Tubman, D., & Dretsch, M. (2023). Disrupted interoception in Military Service Members and Veterans with a history of suicidality. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. In Press.
- Trachik, B., Fawver, B., Trapp, S.K., Goldberg, S.B., Ganulin, M.L., McKeon, A.B., Dretsch, M.N., & Sowden, W.J. (2023). Examining a six-factor model of psychological well-being in military personnel: An analysis of model fit. Psychological Assessment, In Press.
- Trachik, B., Fawver, B., Trapp, S., Goldberg, S.B., Ganulin, M. L., Kearns, N. T., McKeon, A. B., Dretsch, M. N., & Sowden, W. J. (2023). Measurement validity of the six-factor model of psychological well-being in a military sample: Implications for measuring wellbeing in service members. Psychological Assessment, 35(9), 729-739.
- Cabrera, O. A., Trachik, B. J., Ganulin, M. L., Dretsch, M. N., & Adler, A. B. (2022). Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Brief Resilience Scale in Deployed and Non-Deployed Soldiers. Occupational Health Science, 1-17.
- Conway, C. C., Forbes, M. K, South, S. C., & (Dretsch) the HiTOP Consortium. (2022). A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) primer for mental health researchers. Clinical Psychological Science, 10, 236-258.
- Hicks, S. D., Leddy, J., Lichak, B. P., Onks, C., Dretsch, M., Tennant, P., et al. (2022). Defining biologic phenotypes of mild traumatic brain injury using saliva microRNA profiles. Journal of Neurotrauma, In Press.
- LaGoy, A.,D., Sinnott, A.M., Eagle, S.R., Beckner, M.E., Conkright, W.R., Professl, F., Williams, J., Dretsch, N.M., et al. (2022). Combined effects of time-of-day and simulated military operational stress on perception-action coupling performance. Chronobiology International, DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2022.2125405.
- LaGoy, A.D., Cashmere, D., Becker, M.E., Eagle, S., Sinnott, A., Conkright, W., Derrow, C., Dretsch, M. et al. (2022). A trait of mind: stability and robustness of sleep across sleep opportunity manipulations during simulated military operational stress. Sleep, 45, zsab219. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab219.
- Moscardini, E. H., Robinson, A., Trachik, B., Ganulin, M., LoPresti, M., Dretsch, M., Calamia, M., Tucker, R. P. (2022). Psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) in Army soldiers: Implications and future directions. Military Psychology, In Press.
- Park, G. H., Knust, S. K., Haselhuhn, S., Whalen, S., Deuster, P., Greene, C., Dretsch, M.N., Bonvie, J., Lippy, R., Lunasco, T., & Myatt, C. (2022). Advancing the practice of contemporary military performance psychology. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 22, 115-120.
- Proessl, F., Canino, M., Beckner, M., Conkright, W., LaGoy, A., Sinnott, A., Eagle, S., Martin, B., Sterczala, A., Roma, P., Dretsch, et al. (2022). Use-dependent corticospinal excitability is associated with resilience and physical performance during simulated military operational stress. Journal of Applied Physiology, 132, 187-198.
- Waldman, I., King, C., Poore, H., Luningham, J., Zinbarg, R., Dretsch, M. et al. (2022). Recommendations for adjudicating among alternative structural models of psychopathology. Clinical Psychological Science.
- Adler, A. B., Bliese, P. D., LoPresti, M. L., McDonald, J. L., & Merrill, J. C. (2021). Sleep leadership in the army: A group randomized trial. Sleep Health, 7(1), 24-30.
- Eagle, S. R. Collins, M. W., Dretsch, M. N., Uomoto, J. M., Connaboy, C., Flanagan, S. D., & Anthony P. Kontos A. P. (2021). Network analysis of research on mild traumatic brain injury research in US military service members and veterans during the past decade (2010-2019). Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,, 36(5), 345-354.
- Conway, M. A., Dretsch, M. N., Taylor, M. R., & Quartana, P. J. (2021). The Role of Perceived Support and Perceived Prejudice in the Health of LGBT Soldiers. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 18, 547-554.
- Hanson, J. A., Wagner, G., & Dretsch, M. (2021). Cognitive disinhibition and infrequent moderate-to-intense physical activity linked with obesity in US soldiers. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 26(3), 973-981.
- Hicks, S. D., Onks, C., Kim, R. Y., Zhen, K. J., Loeffert, J., Loeffert, A. C., Olympia, R. P., Fedorchak, G., DeVita, S., Gagnon, Z., McLoughlin, C., Madeira, M. M., Zuckerman, S. L., Lee, T., Heller, M., Monteith, C., Campbell, T. R., Neville, C., Fengler, E., & Dretsch, M. N. (2021). Refinement of saliva microRNA biomarkers for sports-related concussion. Journal of Sport and Health Science.
- Kim, H., Turiano, N. A., Forbes, M. K., Kotov, R., Krueger, R. F., Eaton, N. R., & HiTOP Utility Workgroup. (2021). Internalizing psychopathology and all-cause mortality: A comparison of transdiagnostic vs. diagnosis-based risk prediction. World Psychiatry, 20(2), p. 276-282.
- Krueger, R. F., Hobbs, K. A., Conway, C. C., Dick, D. M., Dretsch, M. N., Eaton, N. R., Forbes, M. K., Forbush, K. T., Keyes, K. M., Latzman, R. D., Michelini, G. Patrick, C. J., Sellbom, M., Slade, T., South, S. C., Sunderland, M., Tackett, J., Waldman, I., Waszczuk, M. A., Wright, A. G. C., Zald, D. H., Watson, D., Kotov, R., & HiTOP Utility Workgroup. (2021). Validity and utility of Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): II. Externalizing superspectrum. World Psychiatry, 20(2), 171-193.
- LaGoy, A. D., Cashmere, D., Becker, M. E., Eagle, S., Sinnott, A., Conkright, W., Derrow, C., Dretsch, M., Flanagan, S. D., Nindl, B. C., Connaboy, C., Germain, A., & Ferrarelli, F. A. (2021). A trait of mind: stability and robustness of sleep across sleep opportunity manipulations during simulated military operational stress. Sleep.
- LaGoy, A. D., Sphar, M., Connaboy, C., Dretsch, M. N., Ferrarelli, F., Laxminarayan, S., Ramakrishnan, S., Wang, C., Reifman, J., & Germain, A. (2021). Individuals with and without military-related PTSD differ in subjective sleepiness and alertness but not objective sleepiness. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 141, 301-308.
- Mantua, J., Sowden, W. J., St. Pierre, M. E., Merrill, J. C., Capaldi, V. F., Burke, T. M., & McKeon, A. B. (2021). Maximizing military field research participant engagement: The 'when' and 'where' may make a difference. BMJ Military Health., 167, 219-220.
- Oakey-Frost, N., Trachik, B., Ganulin, M. L., LoPresti, M. L., Dretsch, M. N., & Tucker, R. P. (2021). Indirect effects of soldier healthy eating and physical activity on suicidal ideation through psychological health symptoms in active-duty military. Military Psychology.
- Park, Y., Sullivan, K., Riviere, L. A., Merrill, J. C., & Clarke-Walper, K. (2021). Intimate partner violence perpetration among military spouses. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
- Trachik, B., Moscardini, E. H., Ganulin, M. L., McDonald, J. L., McKeon, A. B., Dretsch, M. N., Tucker, R. P., & Sowden, W. J. (2021). Perceptions of Purpose, Cohesion, and Military Leadership: A Path Analysis of Potential Primary Prevention Targets to Mitigate Suicidal Ideation. Military Psychiatry.
- Trachik, B., Oakey-Frost, N., Ganulin, M. L., Adler, A. B., Dretsch, M. N., Cabrera, O. A., & Tucker, R. P. (2021). Military suicide prevention: The importance of leadership behaviors as an upstream suicide prevention target. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 51(2), 316-324.
- Dretsch, M. N., Neff, D., Caserta, R., Deagle, E., Hoge, C. W., & Adler, A. B. (2020). Rates of behavioral health conditions and health risk behaviors in operators and support personnel in US Special Operations Forces. Psychiatry, 83(4), 358-374.
- Campbell, S. B., Trachik, B., Goldberg, S., & Simpson, T. L. (2020). Identifying PTSD symptom typologies: A latent class analysis. Psychiatry Research, 285, 112779.
- Conway, M. A., Cabrera, O. A., Clarke-Walper, K., Dretsch, M. N., Holzinger, J. B., Riviere, L. A., & Quartana, P. J. (2020). Sleep disturbance mediates the association of adverse childhood experiences with mental health symptoms and functional impairment in US soldiers. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(4), e13026.
- Hicks, S. D., Olympia, R. P., Onks, C., Kim, R. Y., Zhen, K. J., Fedorchak, G., DeVita, S., Rangnekar, A., Heller, M., Zwibel, H., Monteith, C., Gagnon, Z., McLoughlin, C. D., Randall, J., Madeira, M., Campbell, T. R., Fengler, E., Dretsch, M. N., Neville, C., & Middleton, F. A. (2020). Saliva microRNA Biomarkers of Cumulative Concussion. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(20), 7758.
- Kotov, R., Jonas, K. G., Carpenter, W. T., Dretsch, M. N., Eaton, N. R., Forbes, M. K., Forbush, K. T., Hobbs, K., Reininghaus, U., Slade, T., South, S. C., Sunderland, M., Waszczuk, M. A., Widiger, T. A., Wright, A. G. C., Zald, D. H., Krueger, R. F., Watson, D., & HiTOP Utility Workgroup. (2020). Validity and utility of Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): I. Psychosis superspectrum. World Psychiatry, 19(2), 151-172.
- Latzman, R. D., & DeYoung, C. G, & HiTOP Utility Workgroup. (2020). Using empirically-derived dimensional phenotypes to accelerate clinical neuroscience: The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) framework. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(7), 1083-1085.
- McDonald, J. L., Ganulin, M. L., Dretsch, M. N., Taylor, M. R., & Cabrera, O. A. (2020). Assessing the well-being of sexual minority soldiers at a military academic institution. Military Medicine, 185(Supplement_1), 342-347.
- Perkins, E. R., Joyner, K. J., Patrick, C. J., Bartholow, B. D., Latzman, R. D., DeYoung, C. G., Kotov, R., Reininghaus, U., Cooper, S. E., Afzali, M. H., Docherty, A. R., Dretsch, M. N., Eaton, N. R., Goghari, V. M., Haltigan, J. D., Krueger, R. F., Martin, E. A., Michelini, G., Ruocco, A. C., Tackette, J. L., Venables, N. C., Waldman, I. D., & Zald, D. H. (2020). Neurobiology and the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology: Progress toward ontogenetically informed and clinically useful nosology. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 22(1), 51-63.
- Trachik, B., Elliman, T. D., Ganulin, M. L., Dretsch, M. N., Riviere, L. A., Cabrera, O. A., Thomas, J. L., & Hoge, C. W. (2020). Order effects in PTSD network analysis: important implications for diagnostic conceptualization, treatment refinement, and research. Psychological Medicine, 1-8.
- Trachik, B., Tucker, R. P., Ganulin, M. L., Merrill, J. C., LoPresti, M. L., Cabrera, O. A., & Dretsch, M. N. (2020). Leader provided purpose: Military leadership behavior and its association with suicidal ideation. Psychiatry Research, 285, 112722.
- Beidel, D. C., Frueh, B. C., Neer, S. M., Bowers, C. A., Trachik, B., Uhde, T. W., & Grubaugh, A. (2019). Trauma management therapy with virtual-reality augmented exposure therapy for combat-related PTSD: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of anxiety disorders, 61, 64-74.
- Curley MC USA, J. M., Nugent, K. L., Clarke-Walper, K. M., Penix, E. A., Macdonald, J. B., McDonald, J. L., & Wilk, J. E. (2021). Results of the Behavioral Health Readiness Evaluation and Decision-Making Instrument Study. Military Medicine, 186(Supplement_1), 142-152.
- Dretsch, M.N., Fauth, J., Moya, M., Connaboy, C., T., Kontos, A. (2019). Modest utility of brief oculomotor test for concussion screening in military mixed-martial arts training. Brain Injury, 33(13-14):1646-1651.
- Dretsch, M.N., Rangaprakash, D., Katz, J., Goodman, A., Daniel, T.A., Denney, T., & Deshpande, G. (2019). Strength and Temporal Variance of the Default Mode Network to Investigate Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Service Members with Psychological Trauma. Journal of Experimental Neuroscience, 18, 13.
- Lopez, A. A., Adler, A. B., Cabrera, O. A., & Thomas, J. L. (2019). Validation of the WRAIR leadership scale. Military Behavioral Health, 7(2), 125-134.
- McDonald, J. L., Ganulin, M. L., Dretsch, M. N., Taylor, M. R., & Cabrera, O. A. (2020). Assessing the well-being of sexual minority soldiers at a military academic institution. Military Medicine, 185(Supplement_1), 342-347.
- McDonald, J., Ganulin, M., LoPresti, M., & Adler, A. (2019). Brief Report: Sleep knowledge and habits in post-deployment soldiers. Journal of Sleep Health, 5(4), 426-428.
- Rangaprakash, D., Dretsch, M. N., Katz, J. S., Denney Jr, T. S., & Deshpande, G. (2019). Dynamics of segregation and integration in directional brain networks: illustration in soldiers with PTSD and neurotrauma. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 803.
- Sipos, M. L., Lopez, A. A., Nyland, J., Taylor, M. R., McDonald, J., LoPresti, M. L., ... & Adler, A. B. (2019). US soldiers and foreign language school: stressors and health. Military Medicine, 184(7-8), e344-e352.
- Zhao, X., Rangaprakash, D., Denney Jr, T. S., Katz, J. S., Dretsch, M. N., & Deshpande, G. (2019). Identifying neuropsychiatric disorders using unsupervised clustering methods: data and code. Data in brief, 22, 570-573.